The Madras High Court has directed the Tamil Nadu government to file its response by 11 June, seeking to postpone the board examinations of Class 10 and 12 from Students' Federation of India (SFI) to Covid-19. The SFI cited a news report stating that the Center had said that the examination centers could not be set up in the control area, provided that it would be difficult for the students from the examination areas to appear in the examination.
Admitting the plea, a special division bench of Justice MM Sundresh and Justice PT Asha directed the state to file its response by June 11. The petitioner contended that there is every chance that the students would have forgotten the lessons.
Online classes are not possible for everyone:
"Online classes are not possible or available to every child. The schools should conduct revision classes prior to conducting the examination. Examination should not be conducted hurriedly for the sake of conducting," the petitioner said. The Higher Education Minister has announced that the exams for the colleges would be conducted only when the pandemic is contained, the petitioner said.
Here's what the petitioner said:
Citing the news report, the petitioner further stated that the announcement of the minister surprised many teachers. The teachers have stated that it was possible to establish examination centers in the examination centers, the petitioner protested.
But for teachers and students coming from such zones, additional space for evaluation and exam centres, ensuring social distancing and provision of sanitisers and water facilities for the students and teachers can be a nightmare for the authorities, he submitted.
Admitting the plea, a special division bench of Justice MM Sundresh and Justice PT Asha directed the state to file its response by June 11. The petitioner contended that there is every chance that the students would have forgotten the lessons.
Online classes are not possible for everyone:
"Online classes are not possible or available to every child. The schools should conduct revision classes prior to conducting the examination. Examination should not be conducted hurriedly for the sake of conducting," the petitioner said. The Higher Education Minister has announced that the exams for the colleges would be conducted only when the pandemic is contained, the petitioner said.
Here's what the petitioner said:
Citing the news report, the petitioner further stated that the announcement of the minister surprised many teachers. The teachers have stated that it was possible to establish examination centers in the examination centers, the petitioner protested.
But for teachers and students coming from such zones, additional space for evaluation and exam centres, ensuring social distancing and provision of sanitisers and water facilities for the students and teachers can be a nightmare for the authorities, he submitted.
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